Saturday, August 6, 2011

first tattoos

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  • this is my first tattoo!! i

  • sanju
    04-15 10:00 PM
    How about Simon for PM of India. This guy knows everything ahead of time -



    Susan is the best that I have heard till now. Simply awesome!


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  • to get my first tattoos.

  • Tito_ortiz
    03-14 12:02 PM
    Just fill out the forms and submit them. It is very easy. It took 6 months for me to get the PR in the Socialist Canada. Then it took 1 month for me I should get out of there quickly. Very low pace, not many high level employment, high taxes. I visited a friend there last weekend. In Vancouver, it rains like hell and it is depressing to me. I said, darn, why am I living here? If I am not going to have significant career advancement, I should go back home than staying here enjoying this rain. In Toronto it is cold like hell. Go there and spend a couple of weeks and see if you like it. People are usually friendly there. In the end, it depends on how bad is back home when compared to Canada. Good luck.

    Hi, I am seriously planning to start Canadian immigration after wasting 7 years of my life in chasing GC. Can anybody suggest some good lawyers/attorneies/agencies who are not money suckers like US immigration attornies ? Also, somebody mentioned that one can apply Can immigration by himself. Is there any issue with that ?

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  • Design as a First Tattoo

  • ItIsNotFunny
    06-15 09:33 AM
    To be honest, I do agree that the US needs qualified people with skillsets. The real question is "Are the people from the desi consulting companies the real qualified lot ? " Just to get my background details out of the way. I am a new member, from India ofcourse, and I have recently applied for my citizenship. Now with this huge deluge of immigrants, especially from the desi consulting companies, I feel that my quality of life is getting adversely impacted. Do not rush to conclusions that I am anti Indian or anti immigrant. 12 years back when I first got my H1 visa, the requirements to qualify were strict. Staffing companies to a decent extent followed rules and tried to get the best and the brightest. Once the dot com boom started, people from all walks of life entered IT. This was true of not just the Indians but also of people in the US. Soon after the bust, the value proposition from these staffing companies was simply low cost. This is not to blame the staffing companies. They behaved in an economically rational way.

    Consider this scenario. If you run a consulting company, wouldn't you try to maximize your profits by staffing people in projects at the least cost ? This is econmically rational. You wouldn't worry much about the quality of the deliverables and all you would care is to dump as many bodies as possible at the client site or offshore and get the maximum bang for the buck.

    In this scenario, how is it feasible to expect immigrational justice when the bodies themselves dont provide exceptional talent and skills but simply offer low cost ? Now you would be tempted to bring in the analogous case of illegal low skilled immigrants. Remember they are just that - low skilled workers. They dont "steal" the jobs of high skilled workers. But this dumping of IT workforce has completely brought down the standard of living of the IT workers here. To be honest, those who get green cards today would feel the same way five years from now when the next wave of so called "skilled IT immigrants" offer even lower wages and destroy the quality of life.

    In summary, this retrogression is good in a way. The truly best and the brightest would still be employed until their turn for adjournment comes in. Only the weak are currently scared of the delays. I went through the same torrid GC phase after the tech meltdown in 2001. I was not worried of my job then but many people whom I knew got clobbered and were forced to leave. This is the darwinian flush and it will take its toll. Trust me this the bitter truth. If you people still consider that all the people on H1/L1 are part of the best and the brightest, they are WRONG. Only a small % (probably 20%) are the true best and the brightest and a good 50% will be flushed out. Sorry to say this and hey give me the red dots.

    Just because you got lucky and got your GC sooner doesn't mean others are idiot.

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  • is /not/ my first tattoo.

  • willIWill
    01-15 03:40 PM
    I agree Teddykoochu.

    Think what will happen if they woke up one fine morning and start another new interpretation of an existing law and then later they start doing it retroactively; just imagine the cascading effect.

    It does not matter which side of the ship is taking fire. It seems to me that people on the left side of the boat are happy that the firing is only on the right side, forgetting it is the ship as a whole which is taking fire.

    This only reminds me of the famous poem by Martin Niem�ller which goes like this.

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out."

    To get the gravity of the situation, substitute it with which ever suits you ! EAD/consulting H1/direct H1/AOS pending/485 not filed/EB3/2/1....etc etc.. Behind all these fancy terms, numbers and notations there are people, children and families who are going thru difficult situations.


    first tattoos. What was your first tattoo
  • What was your first tattoo

  • desighee
    06-15 12:30 PM

    With the level/kind of arguments that you are putting in your posts, I don't think you will be able to complete your MBA or will not survive working as a MBA. So, my suggestion is: save that 100,000 that you are planing to burn doing MBA. Use it for some other purpose.

    You are not able to compete with the unskilled people even though you have more than 10 years experience, how you are going to compete with MBA's that graduate from top schools from USA and India with your phony accent. Dont waste your 100,000, use it for your child's education or maybe donate part of it to IV and someone from IV might help you in getting a JOB.

    your arguments are stupid man.
    Dilip has put fwd everything in a great perspective.
    I think you should think about your plans of settling down in the US.To me your chances of survival are quite gloomy considering you don't have aptitude for basic reading comprehension(take GRE to assess your skills)if you go past a score of 400 I would be surprised

    first tattoos. Louise#39;s tattoo
  • Louise#39;s tattoo

  • snathan
    03-27 12:01 PM
    You really think so?? The next PMs name is not even on your poll lists!!
    India and Russia have set examples to the rest of the world. How? well...
    Russia- by showing how communism can be at its worst
    India- by happily showing how democracy can be at its... you guessed it, "worst"
    Dont agree?? True Democracy, implies "for the people and by the people", right?
    well in India its a tiny bit different...."For the thugs and by the thugs" Now the word thugs vary in meaning depending upon the citizen affected... for some it might simply mean "currupt" for others "looters", for some others "dishonest" and for a unfortunate majority it goes to the extent of "murderers".
    Now.....still interested in wasting time with the projections for Indian PM??

    Couldn't be better....nothing is going to change. World would be a better place without these thugs. Waste of time.
    In my point the alliance in India - political porstitutes.
    Third Front - alliance of junkies...


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  • I got my first tattoo when I

  • hiralal
    05-28 11:50 PM
    Can someone tell me if this is right?

    - Total number of EB-2 visas = 40,000
    - 7% of 40,000 are allocated for India = 2,800
    - Number of EB-2 I I-485 apps pending = 30,000

    So if there is no spillover from other categories it will take north of 10 years for all the people who applied for I-485 in the July 2007 fiasco to get Green Cards. The only caveat to this would be attrition or legislation.
    That is correct !!! worse for EB3.
    I wonder why Charles or Murthy are not talking to congress to remove the country limits. I guess time has come to put "for sale" sign in my front lawn !!

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  • These are the first tattoos of

    08-20 09:07 PM
    Heat on SRK was because of scanner on Bollywood shows - US - World - NEWS - The Times of India (


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  • sunty
    06-02 10:09 PM
    If we do file a lawsuit against the discriminatory country-quota laws in EB immigration, in worst case scenario, even if we loose it might help highlight the issue and send a message to Washington that we are serious and we mean business. And the judgement might help us at-least get the recapture visas back if the court is made aware of our plight.

    IV has spent so much money on Patton Boggs etc. . Maybe its time we think about this option as well. Maybe this method might work as clearly other approaches have failed and we haven't gotten anything. And before the IV loyalists jump on me and ask me to contribute first, yes if there is a lawsuit by IV, I will happily contribute my half-month's salary to the cause.

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  • senthil1
    06-26 12:42 PM
    I did not see any precedance for stopping I485 in the middle of months for past 10 years. If it happens that will be first time

    What I noticed is these kind of roumor comes from those who already filed and got their receipts :D :D

    Isn't it??? ;)

    Mid month retrogression is possible acc to Murthy but that may not happen in July

    Everything is a speculation here. USCIS is the winner - always keeps us guessing.

    Some optimistic coments I heard is - USCIS is now prepared to clear backlogs and will accept a lot of applications this month as they do not want this year's visa quota wasted.


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  • Tags: Family, First Tattoo,

  • yabadaba
    06-26 01:33 PM
    ok heres the thing.. what is the point of this thread?

    if they retrogress mid month.. they retrogress... what can u do about it??

    just get ur meds done and file ur paperwork. do your u leave it upto whatever spiritual power u believe in.

    by discussing this stuff.. u r not going to change uscis or dos's mind... right?

    and if it retrogresses mid month...u know AILA and other lawyers will start filing chill

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  • Keeme
    05-01 04:19 PM
    Hi Keeme,

    My post was not about double standards BUT about opposing terrorism, it doesn't matter if its LTTE, KHALISTAN, TALIBAN or any other organisation which terrorises the society. These terrorists outfits should be handled beyond any religious, linguistic or any other consideration.
    Regarding support for common man/community, we should oppose any human rights violation against any individual/community, there shouldn't be any double standards BUT at the same time action against terrorist outfits should not be compromised.

    Correct ! Stand against injustice ! Let's discuss it out. Do you see LT ( karshimir) same as you see LTTE ? Do you feel anything for Kashimiri Pandits ?


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  • amslonewolf
    04-28 07:14 PM

    It cannot get more official than this. Please note, that this still needs to be published in the federal register.

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  • vbkris77
    09-15 04:24 PM
    with everyone worried abt the economy and health reforms.. Immigration reforms are toast this year.

    While we must pursue the overall reforms,

    i suggest that we also seek temporary relief seeking lifting of the ban on filing for 485 for the next 2-3 months... this will help most EB3 and EB2 (I/C/) who missed the 2007 window.

    What are the chances of such a relief being provided?
    Will a mail campaign work?..plz raise your hand if you are interested..;)

    Most lawyers think that it needs a law change. So if we are going to work with lawmakers, why not aim high and get recapture?? So in a nutshell, we will need to wait for CIR.


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  • Looks like the first tattoo

  • Googler
    02-15 12:11 AM
    As I said in the Mocanu thread:

    Btw, apparently the law firm that argued the case for Mocanu and the others was: Orlow, Kaplan and Hohenstein (

    Wonder whether it is worth initiating a conversation about the validity of the legal argument for recapture (Mocanu + Aytes memo + Galvez-Howerton) with them -- they certainly know enough about the details of the name check process; they might need some more details about the 2003-2004 lost EB greencards, but I'd say they are pretty well prepped for all the other details.

    It would be beyond good for the case if we had some EB applicants who filed their 485s in 2003-2004 and are still waiting.

    dresses first tattoo. 10-23-06 first tattoos. I got my first tattoo a month
  • I got my first tattoo a month

  • mailmy_gc
    07-29 05:39 PM

    I live in a place, Where we can find very few Indians. Out of 1500 units of apartments we are the only Indian family used to live in.

    One fine day (of course relaized that was worst day) My kid is playing at the play ground and I saw one Indian couple was walking towards the ground. I was so excited (offcourse later exploited) that atleat my will get some company. He spoke to me nice and I introduced my wife. I gave my phone number ...

    After 3 -4 days I got a call !!!! He said, one of his friend (big shot) is retiring this evening, if you guys can join, The Saga continued ..

    We all went then I relaized that it is Quix !! I couldn't get rid of them for 3,4 months (Offcourse I am new to US that time). But atlast we told them we can not do ... Even after that he used to call us for atleast do this ... you don't need to do any thing we all take care of it.etc.

    While I am reading this thread, I am laughing myself alot and I read almost all the replies. Offcourse I don't think some of our friends are writing that some quix guys may read this threading and upset about it.

    Common even my wife and myself had fight about these guys and I was so upset for days and every time we meet I was so embarasssed to say "No".

    if you get chance read this book for How to say No in a polished way -" Power Phrases by Meril Reunion"


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  • First Tattoo by ~stevegircys

  • harikris
    06-03 10:12 PM
    Applicant gets the peace of mind and can go around buying houses, changing jobs etc whereas it is just a procedural change for USCIS.

    Who said you cannot buy a house on just h1b? Or change jobs while on EAD? Such would be their defense for the argument above.

    Peace of mind, my friend, does not comply with the objectivity of the argument. Also, it's very subjective too. People that have H1B, would be peaceful if they get their I140 approved, people that have GC would imagine how peaceful it would be if only they had citizenship.

    The incredibly long wait to process the backlog is simply not acceptable. With a professional shelf life being 30 odd years, one cannot afford to spend 50% of that time just waiting to be integrated in the system. Numbers don't lie.

    As i have been saying - introducing reform bills and converting them to legislations is our only way, right? Let's put these numbers together as a motivation for the reform bill and seek solutions.

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  • nixstor
    09-23 02:26 AM
    Asking for exemption from quota will cause this proposal to fail. My suggestion:

    Of the 10,000 available visas per year for EB5, only about 3k to 4k are being used. How about if one buy a house and give a minimum $100,000 cash payment (not credit in US), he will get a temporary greencard from the EB5 visa pool. If after 2 years, the house is occupied and owned by the same person without problems with credit, he will get a permanent GC. This is on top of meeting the requirements of the category he is in.

    Sorry for bringing EB5 in my comments.

    This is just my opinion.

    I hear your pessimism on the exemption from quota. The write up here is an attempt to bring the committees on both sides to the table and let them decide what they want to do with it. The solution quoted here will not be as it is if it were to be drafted by folks on the hill. In normal conditions, exemption from numerical limits is a big issue, but given the surplus of homes, 11.5 month inventory and ever growing foreclosures, rock solid mortgages EB applicants qualify for, might make such exemption possible in a situation that is referred to as once in a century thing.

    20% down payment on sale price is a sign of good borrowing habits in the mortgage industry. Last time when I checked approximately 800 visas were used in EB-5 yearly. Thats a different story.

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  • saketh555
    09-15 06:08 PM
    I guess the priority dates for EB2 will hoover around 2nd Q of 2005. I came to this assumption after seeing mass approvals of 04 applications, looks like they are cleaning all 04 applications:rolleyes:.
    Can't really guess EB3, not even GOD.

    10-19 02:35 PM
    Thanks a lot for reading this Question. Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestion. My friend initially came on H1 visa. Her Husband is the primary applicant for Green Card and she was working on H1 visa without break. Now she is on EAD and joined a job in EAD got 2 months pay stubs( ie 8 weekly pay stubs). After that got 3 months break. Her status now is on I-485 and no more on H1. Note: Her husband was the primary applicant and she applied I-485 through her husband's GC.

    Her husband got the GC card and she is waiting for her's. While her husband received the GC she was working on her EAD.
    Now the question is Will the break in her work on EAD be a problem for getting her GC?.

    10-18 06:42 PM
    You have hit the nail right on the head. They issued 225000 H1b's between the years and 2000 and 2002 but the GC quota remained the same. Also, there is no quota for H1 (large # goes to India/Chine) but there is a quota for GC.

    The idea is they want to control it so that only a third of the ppl who come on H1 end up getting a GC. They make the GC process hard one way or the other. Either you get stuck in the labor queue or in the retrogression queue. The average time to get has always been 4 years. Some ppl get lucky and get it in less than 3 and some get unluck and spend over 5 years trying to get it!

    Ultimately the question for everyone is how long are you willing to put your life on hold? If you wait long enough you will get it. They seldom reject cases (unless it was a fraudulent case).

    Having said that lot of us are thinking about leaving because US is making harder and harder for people like us to stay here and lot of us don�t want to put our lives on hold for years and years hoping that may be one day I�ll hit the jackpot called green card. On the other hand, lot of us don�t mind waiting and have been waiting for long time. It�s a matter of preference. Remember you are supposed to be a guest here. Do your work and get the hell out of here. Only 140000 guests are allowed to stay back and rest have to pack their bags. I mean that�s the real intent behind this quota system.

    To make long story short, for lot of people US is not the option available on the table so quit comparing US against others. Just think about where you might end up if you didn�t move to Canada and compare that country against Canada.

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