Saturday, August 6, 2011

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  • h1techSlave
    08-16 08:05 PM
    Police treats an American celibrity like a commoner. Let us see, if the whole of the US is complaning against this.
    You're Bob Dylan? NJ police want to see some ID - Yahoo! News (

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    07-10 01:39 PM
    I had my candadian immigration last year. And the dead line to land was March 2007.

    I was very confuse at that time about landing in Canada. Then one day my old 2002 PD labor got approved and I filed 485 in March 07. But now my canadian Immigration is expired.

    Even my 485 is filed, I am thinking again to apply fresh application for Canadian Immigration. You never know what will happen to GC. So I will file again by the end of this year for Canadian Immigration.

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  • styrum
    02-12 06:51 PM
    :DI just got home from work and logged in and I thought I was dreaming !!!!!
    My priority date is June 2003!!!!! I already have approved petition and AOS. When should I be expeting my GC in the mail considering no need to wait for FBI check any more ?

    Hold your horses, brother. Remember that the official position of USCIS now is: "Oh we got so many applications last June-August, that it will be by the end of 2010 when maybe we will return to processing times we had before last summer". So now even with PD current I don't even know anymore when we actually will get it. Also remember that there are rumors they threw people onto processing citizenship applications because that issue got some public visibility. Guess from where they took thos adjudicators. You are right - from 485 processing.:cool:

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  • snram4
    01-13 02:52 PM
    If the law is followed in the enforcement then that is fine. Integrity of H1b program will be maintained. If arbitary and against the law then that should not be followed.

    I just heard from attorney there are lot of debate going on in AILA and they are trying to stop this memo from being implemented...they are the one going to lose more business then the body shops....


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  • gc28262
    01-19 11:18 AM
    deleted distasteful contents ..........................

    victimOfGc seems to be an expert in the other business !

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  • Legal
    07-21 07:48 PM
    These Unused Family Based Visas are from 2007. These Unused Family Based Visas of 2007 would be added to the following year (2008) Employment Based Visas.

    The Unused Family Based VISAS from a perticular fiscal year made available to the Employment Based VISAS of the Follwing Fiscal Year. And the Unused EB4 and EB5 VISAS of a perticular fiscal year would be made available to the same year's
    EB1 category.

    If I understand correctly, there is no mechanism for unused EB visas to spill over to the following year's EB, but the law allows unused FB visas to spill over to the following year's EB ?!


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  • snathan
    01-16 01:40 PM
    Accepting regulations does not mean to prevent Indians to come here. I can tell many examples. There are many bodyshoppers get h1B and make the persons to sit on bench in India or USA. I know some persons come here 1 year after getting h1b. But many reputed companies those who are real need of people could not get H1b as Cap was reduced. Putting restrictions on on bodyshoppers will improve H1b usage and wastage can be eliminated. And will make h1b program legitimate.

    If you like the regulation please go ahead and follow that regulation. We are scrabling to find the legal solution here. Why you waste your time in something which you dont believe. YOu are unnecessarily deviating from the topic. Please ignore this thread if you dont believe in the cause.

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  • Circus123
    02-12 12:42 PM
    September 2001 will be current next month for sure ...


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  • garybanz
    12-14 05:40 PM

    Thanks soljabhai.


    I think we have spent enough time discussing this, please respond to this post if you are willing to share the cost of taking this discussion to a top Constitutional attorney. (just the cost of initial discussion...not the actual case)

    Also if some one can point me in the right direction on finding the right attorney for this question then I'll really appreciate it.


    Please respond to this thread and let me know if you are interested in sharing the cost of a 1 hr consultation with a top constitutional attorney on this topic.


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  • voldemar
    03-26 05:56 PM
    Has it passed? I cant wait for it to happen. Once it does, I will feel more confident leaving my employer knowing....No, waiting for OMB clearance.


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  • gcfriend65
    06-26 12:34 PM
    The Visa cut-off dates are issued by the Department of State.

    Right now, the message shows:

    All Employment Preference categories except for Third �Other Workers� have been made �Current� for July. This has been done in an effort to generate increased demand by Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) for adjustment of status cases, and to maximize number use under the annual numerical limit. However, all readers should be alert to the possibility that not all Employment preferences will remain Current for the remainder of the fiscal year. Should the rate of demand for numbers be very heavy in the coming months, it could become necessary to retrogress some cut-off dates for September, most likely for China-mainland born and India, but also possibly for Mexico and Philippines. Severe cut-off date retrogressions are likely to occur early in FY-2008.

    Can you confirm the source of your information, that the August Bulletin will be showing retrogressed dates.

    Yes, the august bulletin will be showing retrogressed dates. But when August bulletin is issued in mid-July, it does not impact the petitions received in July, because the August bulletin applies to August and even if August is retrogressed until 1975, they still have to accept 485s until 31st July.

    That's what your lawyer said. Right?

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  • samay
    07-14 06:37 AM
    My appeal against EB2 I140 denial on Chartered Accountant degree issue was recently turned down by AAO. Can I any how contest this decision further without getting my employer involved. They are not interested in pursuing this further. Can I file any type of appeal before BAI or any other court on personal basis ?

    NO because I-140 is essentially an employers application.


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  • saturnring11
    07-22 04:21 PM
    While we are all sharing about our Amway solicitation experiences, let me share what I've seen in the last few years.

    Background: In the last 6 years, I've been approached over 2 dozen times in the Bay Area. Things got so bad that the same guys have approached me more than 3 times in some cases before realizing that they've already talked to me before.

    Incident #1:
    A guy approached me while I was at the mall saying "hi" and striking up a conversation. During our short chat, this 20-something desi guy proceeds to tell me that he is the CIO of Fox News. At which time I pull out my iPhone and look him up using my LinkedIn app under the guise of adding him to my network. Turns out he is an engineer at a local company which he covers up by being embarassed and saying "I haven't updated my profile." I joke about how he moved up in his career so quickly - he then makes an excuse and walks away. I never hear from him again. Another reason to love technology!

    Incident #2:
    I get approached while shopping at the local GAP store. Being a veteran of this form of solicitation, I respond by saying that I work for the San Jose Mercury News and that we are doing a story on Multi-Level Marketing schemes. I ask him if he knows anyone who would be willing to chat on the record. This guys says "Nope, don't know anyone" and walks away. I never see him again...

    Incident #3:
    I am at the Nike store and get approached by this guy asking me if I work at Google (I do not). I tell him "Nope" and walk away before he can ask me another question. I have been approached by this same guy 2 more times at other stores (within 6 months) asking me similar questions. The 3rd time, I tell him - "We've spoken before - No, I don't work at Google, No, I'm not from Delhi and No, I'm not interested in what you are selling." He is stunned and walks away with his tail between his legs :)

    Incident #4:
    The local Fry's is a popular hang out for Amway-types. I learned the hard way because I made my first mistakes here. Both guys that struck up a good conversation with me turned out to be Amway types. After the 2nd phone call, I tell them that if they call me again, I will report them to the authorities and Fry's for illegal solicitation and harassment.
    This stops both people in their tracks. I never see them at Fry's again!

    Bottom-line: Hold your ground, use technology and don't be afraid to kick them around a little bit. Saying "No" is golden!

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  • walking_dude
    02-13 11:13 AM
    This theory that 'AILA/AILF lawsuit threat overturned July VB' is out of touch with the reality. Threatening lawsuit was bad for AILA. They were not involved in the discussions that finaly resulted in reversal. IV was a participant but AILA was not.

    We shouldn't repeat their mistake. The moment IV files a lawsuit, USCIS will stop discussing with us. We will be off the discussion table. Only place they'll talk to us will be in the courtroom. We also shouldn't forget the pressure applied by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren on USCIS and DOS. She was ready to wash their dirty linen in public. No doubt, she was influenced by rally in San Jose - which happens to be her constituency.

    3 year EAD/AP, AC21 interpretation are rules that USCIS makes, there's no way a judge can dictate what rules a government department should make. You wrote "there is nothign to lose but a lot to win" . Like someone pointed out we won't even be recovering 10k -20k spent on it, even if we win. We'll be getting into a case which has no chances or very slim chances of winning.

    If we lose the case, there's no going back to discussions with USCIS. They won't be entertaining us after we sued them. It's a grave risk you should understand. I feel tired at having to explain it the Nth time to some of you who still consider AILA as a messiah. Nothing happens because of just one factor. It's a combination of several factors that ultimately produces results. There are no silver bullets that fix every problem. Its the reality.

    it is the threat of a massive lwsuit from immigration lawyers association that made uscis backtrack and open up july 2 filing..we are all benefeciaries of that.

    itz not our flowers or the rally that did the trick it is the threat of lawsuit.

    if we consult lawyers we can check if we have a case and on what grounds. even f not anything else we may win on things like 3 yr AP relaxed ac21 rules etc. these are operational policies and dont need congress. USCIS can change these rules.

    there is nothign to lose but a lot to win.

    we can even appeal on the grounds that USCIS policies led us in to a bonded labor situation unable to change employer , foregone career choices and income potential..etc.. this violates the concept of free will and just labor practices. Many rules in AC21 and AP still try to tie us down to the employer who has already enjoyed > 5 years of our hardwork.


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  • gcisadawg
    05-01 04:22 PM
    Don't be too confident that you may never be in the situation like them. Who knows tomorrow ? History tells us that you would be never safe on foreign soil ! If its not you, it would be your next generation who might seek support from your home country

    Well said! Being an Indian-Tamilian, it pains to see the whole SL Tamil community caught between the devil (LTTE) and deep sea (SL govt). The SL gov't has used this war cleverly to nurture the hatred between SL Tamil minority and Sinhala majority deep, very deep almost to the point of no return.

    Thomas Jefferson, once said, "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. "
    I really believe Jefferson's worst fear is playing out in Sri Lanka.

    Discalimer: I dont support LTTE. Also, I was pained and frustated equally when terrorists killed innocent Indian civilians. So, pls. don't jump on me on that account!

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  • n2b
    09-23 11:18 AM
    Let me slice & dice your thought!

    this is totally lame idea!Why, do you have any brighter idea than this? Until you have one at least this is something to act upon! Though, if you have an idea please post, majority of people on this forum are good listeners and executioners unlike you maybe.
    immigration policy is a social and an economic issue..not just economics..At least we are putting something on the table that can take care of one issue in your opinion i.e. the economic issue, pls let the social issue aside at least the way you are putting it, it sounds more like a racist issue!!!
    They dont want too many ppl from one country ..that is the reason for 7% quota...why cant you digest that fact...How many times have other members mentioned to folks like you that the people you are talking about are already in this country, unlike you I do not see why would there be any concern around having too many ppl from one country? It seems like only you seem to be scared of a different breed around you!
    we can fight injustice if we feel we are being treated in an unfair this justice to restrict EB categories by country limits and not having such limit for H1Bs or L1s? Why not have same policies across the board if it's right? You might think this is justice because of your racial thoughts!
    but this carrot-and stick approach will back fire...I can partially agree to this...we have to make sure this approach does not back fire!

    i know many who have bought homes even when they were on H1...In which case you would also know many who haven't bought homes because they are unsure about their greencards! (ps - I am house owner so this one don't really matter to me but I am all up for it.)
    you must be really creative to link EB GC and purchasing a house!You are right, the reason we fall in to the EB categories is because of our creativity! why do you fall into EB category anyways?


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  • akred
    02-18 08:50 PM
    As per the facts first baby boomers will start collecting benefits in 2008 and by 2020 when most boomers are 60+ there will be 2.6 workers paying social security and medicare for every retiree versus 5 workers now

    Is there anybody looking at this angle for increasing GC cap/upper limit ??

    I find in this situation, Churchill's speech has a more dramatic impact.

    The peoples of the British Empire and of the United States number nearly two hundred millions ...
    have more wealth, more technical resources, and they make more steel, than the whole of the rest of the world put together.

    Substitute India and China for the British Empire and the United States, and reflect on how soon the 3 criteria will be met.

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  • Rb_newsletter
    01-18 08:49 PM
    Still Desi companies are not following Labor laws.
    I know a company in OHIO still exploiting H1Bs......but payroll being generated....

    Hmmmmmm......USCIS this is not enough.

    If you know a company report it to USCIS directly or post the details here, we will report them to USCIS. By posting this kind of annonymous, baseless complaints in forums, you are making genuine H1s look like bad.

    Everywhere there are bad elements. History showed that there were corrupt senators/congress man. So do we have to penalize every senator and congressman? Should we shut the doors of the legislative assemblies and stop the elections?

    People choose to work for consulting company, because no law said it is illegal. People choose to work in consulting, because we can meet different people and learn different verticals. And in IT, consulting is the main business model. Even if the application is developed in-house, the department that uses the software is called internal customer. If we can work for internal customer legally, whats wrong in working for external customer.

    No business can evolve without customers. If IT consulting has grown up to this level, that means businesses welcomed consulting.

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  • Macaca
    07-04 10:28 AM
    The following from IV's press release is incorrect. The max # is 3,185

    The group's website has reported a record hit of 2,500 concurrent users since this morning.

    02-15 10:39 AM
    the law does say that the GC numbers expire if unused.
    once expired USCIS has no power to use them.
    you need to study this deeper if you want to consider a challenge.

    ppl voting emotionally, mostly.

    Emotionally I'm pro, logically-contra.
    We have to change subject, lawsuit not for recapturing numbers but against modern days slavery or something...have to think more and consult with lawyers.

    Class action lawsuit- very tricky thing.

    09-04 10:51 AM
    I agree..admin please delete this thread. This has nothing to do with the immigration issues that we are facing.

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