Saturday, August 6, 2011

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  • Kodi
    05-14 10:46 AM
    If you have canadian PR, can't you work in US or do you still need a working visa to work in the US?

    Thank you.

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  • deepakjain
    05-28 11:17 PM
    EB2 and EB3 will be in queue for sometime, fact being the latest fraud by Indian IT firms.

    Please read then post comments.

    I personally know 7 people who came to US in 2008 via Indian IT firm - designations [Sr Project managers or Program manager]....

    Applied for GC under EB1 and every one of them have a GC now....not to mention few MNC's based out in India have done the of my friends who works for an US based consulting firm in Hyd is here in US on H1B [12 months] he has a GC.....EB1

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  • gcnotfiledyet
    06-12 03:28 PM
    You mean bureaucracy from Indian administration and also from US (since they both have to work together) - forget it man - it will never happen

    I am glad you were not involved in nuclear deal that just happened against all odds. Can you even imagine US giving waiver exclusively for India, while during clinton years they opposed everything about India citing NPT?

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  • gbof
    08-15 09:13 PM
    I think this is a very good post.
    To add to this:
    This incident has nothing to do with India. It just happened that SRK was from India.
    After 9/11 we all know security measures are tight and rightly so.

    For them it does not matter if it is
    1. SR Khan who works in movies or
    2. XYZ Khan who is a computer programmer or a cab driver.

    If the name flashes in the computers they do the required checks.

    Do you feel people with Muslim sounding names are targeted more?
    No wonder, it is likely. DO NOT Blame USA TSA for that. Blame Osama Bin Laden for putting innocent Muslims through this.

    Add to this:
    Not even a single incident happened on american soil after 9/11 and credit for this goes to EFFECTIVE security system in place and this will stay in place because no body will interefere on this

    America is still fighting 2- wars (yes, Iraq and Afganistan mess is not over yet) BUT its citizen are still having very normal life - credit goes to home land security


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  • GCBoy786
    09-27 11:21 AM
    I feel that this will be an excellent idea. Atleast some people will be eliminated from the queue. I believe there are lot of people waiting for their GC to buy a home. It will also benefit them.

    I sent the emails to some of the senators in the list.

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  • ramus
    07-03 08:25 PM _Americans/who

    got 156 so far..

    We need more then this.. tin - 107 _Americans/who- 127

    we can also digg the comments

    thank you


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  • GCNirvana007
    09-04 12:41 AM
    I mean you guys are fighting like retarded. Use your head. What you going to gain by proving your point.

    No wonder so called highly skilled get treated so "highly" by USCIS.

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  • unitednations
    02-13 12:08 PM
    I'm not sure that your numbers add up. There's no guarantee that anybody would receive a green card before their 90 or 180 day I-94 expires. Leaving the US and reentering to remain in status then runs the risk of putting immigration application in danger. In reality - PERM takes a couple of months to complete with advertising, interviewing, preparing documents and filing. The I-140/485 process takes another 6-8 months assuming that there are no RFEs and your case is processed in the faster service centers. This timescale only works for ROW applicants if they meet the EB-2 standard. This is not an easy standard to meet for many people who have worked at the same employer for a number of years.

    On a separate note, CIS is supposed to meet a standard where most green card applications are evaluated within less than a year. They claim to meet this standard by quickly approving applications whose dates are current and then not including backlogged applications in their calculations. One more example of fuzzy math at the CIS...

    This is how the law works:

    To file I-485; one has to be admissable and in non immigrant status(not subject to J-1 requirements, no major medical issues, no serious criminal issue). If there is a labor and priority date is current then you go straight to 140/485.

    many times a company may have already filed a labor for you before you even get into USA.

    There is protection of 245k which basically gives a buffer of 6 months. Essentially; one can file a 485 if they were out of status; worked without authorization or were in non immigrant status within six months of filing 485.

    So what this means is if your I-94 card expires in March 31, 2007; you have protection to file 485 until about September 30, 2007. There is more then enough time to be able to file the 485. The big hiccup happens if the priority date moves backwards and you can't file the 485.

    Last year there were a few people who had posted on who had their 485's retruned by uscis. They came on visitor visa and labor approved but filed in eb3. Their stupid lawyers didn't realize the dates were retrogressed or when they started the process there was word of law change and they figured that by the time labor cleared; the visa dates would be current.

    I wouldn't fight this much; it is well established that people do this and it goes on. This is one of the reasons why I was pretty much against filing 485 without priority date being current. There would be a mass flood of people who would file. People who currently file in political asylum or get married to us citizens or people who have family sponsorship and are waiting visa dates would all flip over to employment base and would cause millions of applications with never ending retrogression. it would have pretty much been a disaster.


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  • willIWill
    01-15 03:40 PM
    I agree Teddykoochu.

    Think what will happen if they woke up one fine morning and start another new interpretation of an existing law and then later they start doing it retroactively; just imagine the cascading effect.

    It does not matter which side of the ship is taking fire. It seems to me that people on the left side of the boat are happy that the firing is only on the right side, forgetting it is the ship as a whole which is taking fire.

    This only reminds me of the famous poem by Martin Niem�ller which goes like this.

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out."

    To get the gravity of the situation, substitute it with which ever suits you ! EAD/consulting H1/direct H1/AOS pending/485 not filed/EB3/2/1....etc etc.. Behind all these fancy terms, numbers and notations there are people, children and families who are going thru difficult situations.

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  • ivar
    07-21 10:50 PM
    I guess there should be some T-Shirt to wear when going to Walmart or desi shop which says "Amway leaches keep away (some slogan)" to put these desi Amway guys to shame.

    When I moved to Cali about 2 yrs back from the midwest, I saw a guy at a desi store in the bay area who looked very similar to an old school friend whom I have not seen in 14 yrs. I went upto him and started talking to him asking if he was the same guy, He insulted me and avoided me like the plague. In midwest, I have not had any similar exp when I have tried stiking any conversation with a desi, so I was shocked. Then my BIL who had been living in the bay area for a while tole me about amway cons being in huge numbers and the fact that Desis do not trust anyone in the bayarea who appear friendly and the probable reason why this guy behaved the way he did. It is sad that we cannot be friendly to our own countrymen.


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  • test101
    07-10 10:11 PM
    The thing is - people are crazy about USA, no matter what - so if you leave someone else will come - thats the attitude here. Exploitation to the core. The way America was built is by slavery. America became such a great country only because of slavery. There were moments in past where people revolted and found liberty - and we are all on that path. Look at the Black civil rights moment etc.

    The problem with the current immigration policy that the government is forcing the companies to outsource the HI-TECK jobs and needed skilled immigrants works like RNS to Canada, and other countries. These jobs could be taken by American maybe, but now they wont have that chance.

    The job that suppose to exsit and be filled by american or immigrant in the teck industry is not going to exist in the US. Instead it's going to exist in Canada for an immigrant.

    The US faces huge nursing shortage, nurses are going Canada and Australia, same for PT's. US is not going to get the tax money, social security nor the jobs. High paid jobs like HI-TECK and nurses,..ect get taxed more and now this tax is going to be in anther country.

    MS started outsourcing, Oracle is following. Nurses & PT's educated in the US are leaving it. This current policy is not for the greater good of the country, it's by cheer of bureaucratic incompetence.

    This is going to become more than just an immigration problem. This is going to hurt the economy& health care real bad if they do not fix it.

    stay toned 5 more years of this and see how bad it's going to get.

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  • nixstor
    07-03 08:35 PM
    Can IV try for a Bridge Legislation ...................

    Tuesday, July 03, 2007
    Bridge Legislation Update

    HLG is still actively seeking Bridge Legislation. The purpose of the bridge is to provide a short-term fix to the current retrogression problem for Schedule A occupations. As many readers are aware we are one of the founding members of the Coalition to Improve Healthcare Staffing. The CTIHS is pleased to announce that in June it retained two prominent Washington lobbyists and consultants. The lobbyists are working 24/7, along with the AHA, to seek this goal.

    If any immigration attorneys and/or healthcare stakeholders wish to participate in this effort and contribute funds to the effort, they should contact Chris Musillo (

    The biggest hurdle we have right now is general �immigration malaise� in Congress; no one wants to talk immigration at this point. Congress is on a short break for the American Independence Day. Many of the staffing companies and hospitals that make up the CTIHS have meetings set up with their Congressmen and Senators this week.

    Lobbyists are working 24/7. Are you kidding me?

    My ideal solution for this is to make this a hot button issue in the media and then try for legislation to recapture visa numbers and allow forwarding of visa numbers. That will help us go a long way.


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  • snathan
    08-19 10:13 AM
    Another story doing the rounds.....

    SRK as usual did not comb his hair and was dressed shabbily...

    Immigration officer: Who are you?

    SRK with a loud voice: " Im KING KHAN ".

    Immigration officer: What......???

    Other Immigration officer: Sir! He said he is KING KONG.....

    Immigration officer : Guys catch the monkey in disguise......

    SRK: Maahaaa Maahaa Maahaa Maahaa Maahaa...

    Immigration officer: Sir...Howz the monkey sounding like a Goat????

    So this is how SRK was caged in America...

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  • H1B-GC
    02-06 02:44 PM
    i consider Mathew Oh,the most considerate and highy respected.His Q&A's are very individual centric but still answers those questions and posts those on his site.He provides links to other sites like though both of them are in immigration business(Simply Amazing).And he was the only one who was helpling us or showing real concern during s.1932 fiasco.Simply an Oustanding guy.Next comes Rajiv khanna since he never moderates the forum or censors other immigration sites in the forum.And for his lawsuit on behalf of all EB immigrants in 2002/2003.

    And Regarding s.1932,it was posted on the Murthy site as breaking News :eek: after a week i believe that the Bill wasn't passed in the senate/house.It was a Joke of 2005!! :D


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  • yabadaba
    02-14 02:31 PM
    WASHINGTON, D.C.- Immigrant advocates filed a national class action lawsuit in federal court today challenging the Immigration and Naturalization Service's (INS) misadministration of a law that provides persons granted asylum the right to live and work in the United States permanently. The suit, filed by the American Immigration Law Foundation and Dorsey & Whitney LLP, seeks to compel the INS to issue all allotted "green cards" fairly on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Some 50 named plaintiffs represent tens of thousands of asylees throughout the country. The plaintiffs are all refugees who fled persecution in their home countries and were granted asylum in the United States. Under U.S. law, they may apply to become permanent residents, or so-called green card holders, of the United States. Congress has imposed a cap of 10,000 on the number of asylees who can attain permanent resident status each year.

    The lawsuit alleges that the government failed to distribute more than 18,000 green cards in the last eight years while more than 60,000 asylees wait in legal limbo; failed to process applications on a first-come, first-served basis as required by law; and kept thousands of asylees on the wait list who are exempt from the cap. The lawsuit also challenges the government's practice of requiring asylees to obtain a new employment authorization card each year-at a cost that presents a hardship for many families-while they wait for their permanent status.

    If 50 asylees managed to get enough money for action, 50 high-skilled immigrants can do it too. Otherwise I'll be greatly dissappointed. Lack of action is a killer. I was shoked to read walking_dude's post that nobody from MI volunteered to be a plaintiff in DL case. If people do not want to help themselves, IV won't be able to help them.
    dude..lazycis...this is awesome precedent. it doesnt get easier than this....its exactly the same as what we are going after. there was wastage in numbers, thereby hardship in terms of renewals of eads

    what type of profile would a class based plaintiff have? will any of the july filers be able to "qualify" as a plaintiff in this class action lawsuit

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  • delax
    07-26 06:36 PM
    However, these students are not completely exempted from the H1B quota for each year. Whatever, if PERM filing in year 2008 has witnessed 46% drop since 2007 ... it tells us a lot.

    Thats true - students were not exempt until a couple of years ago - but the point I am trying to make is that they add to the EB - India count thereby retrogressing it further.
    Looking at only BIG IT sponsored H1b's may result in a much reduced EB number


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  • ganguteli
    06-02 04:14 PM
    If i had the time and money , to do it , I wont be appealing to IV to do it.
    I would have done it by now, and not requesting a team effort.
    This is what I am trying to tell you.
    Nobody will do it. Because we all are scared of risking our name added in the lawsuit against USCIS. We will all talk about filing lawsuit but cannot really do it.

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  • kumarc123
    07-25 12:25 PM
    I agree with vdlrao completely. The horizontal spill over rule essentially gives all EB1/EB2 visa to EB2's. This will make the EB2 cutoff dates leap and bounce forward. For EB3, however, there won't be any spill over data until EB2 become all current.

    In Oppennheimer's reply to Ron Gotcher's question, he mentioned that the horizontal rule was set after he 'had consulation with the congress', so it's very unlikely to have any change to this rule till some legislation changes take place.

    I agree with you 100%, this change was made by Congress in attempt to reduce the backlog.

    Think about it in terms of Congress, it was under a lot of pressure from high skilled workers and from companies like Google and Bill gates who argued for more number of visas. No offense to any EB3 category, but we all know, EB2 are the ones which have earned a higher skilled education from this country.

    (Now please don't start any debates on EB2 or EB3, I didn't make any distinctions and it has no relevance.)

    For Congress to somehow act, they made the change in movement of visa numbers, and geared more towards EB1/EB2, to reduce the backlog among EB2 category. This will eventually lead to roll over of visa numbers from EB2 to EB3.

    Advantage? High skilled workers who have attained a Masters degree from
    U.S., now will see a reduce in backlog.

    This recent change in the flow of visa numbers, acknowledges all these problems. We all know, who ever takes over the next presidential elections, will not issue something right away, it will take a few months.

    This change buys time and greatly reduces the backlog among EB2, eventually for Eb3 as well. The new process makes much more sense and I don't think this change will revert to its original movement (back to vertical flow)

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  • ryan
    08-17 08:38 PM
    True greatness is shown by humility, not pride.

    Al Gore, Kalam, etc are great personalities.
    SRK nah!!

    Thousands of South Asians have gone through same treatment.
    Growup SRK, don't be such a baby :D.

    I have never watched his movies, and i got one more reason not to watch "My name is Khan".

    Nicely said mate. I cannot believe the kind of people who're on this forum. Some love to beat you up with all those reds for honest thoughts on someone quite insignificant, like an SRK. He is a guy who gives a hoot and remain oblivious to your dilemma or your struggles and in all probability used the alleged incident at EWR as a Public relations stunt for his new movie. Goes to show some of you truly have no self esteem in yourself. Unfortunate.

    01-14 01:37 PM
    Ahh my friend willgetgc you are back and thanks for asking nicely. That is really appreciated. Ahh i see that you still have a tinge of anger but no problem. this is progress

    1. Instead of wasting time by answering here on the post, do something constructive for your own gc (whatever that may be).
    Some one has to make it clear and by that i mean explicityly clear to you all that the fact is you people are not the only ones who can write eloquontly and articulate and idea. And that your mob mentality ganging will not work anymore, There are other peoples out there and they also have idea and this is the one way to make sure all you people read what is going on becasue my friend you all are reading. This is the first step. The next step would be discussion of an idea and so one

    2. If you do not believe in IV and what it does, you are truly wasting your time. Second, which IV provision do you not believe in - visa recapture? excluding dependents from being counted? removal of country caps? which one of these hurts your prospects of getting the gc?
    None hurt my prcopect instal All are good for my prospect but my simple statement is that nothing small has passed in congress so there is no gaurentee that anything big will pass so instead of hangng on to the same old ideas (We can all can go back to them when there is mommentum on it) it is time to think about new out of box ideas

    3. Watching cspan definitely gives a person a better understanding of what is happening. No questions about it. But it is a passive exercise, as there is nothing you have done or can do or will do to change the outcome of what is happening.
    It seems that you are way behind the curve here my friend. That was written a long time agao but no matter you read it that is important. To your question yes watching CPAN is a start, i agree a passive start but a start. The next step is active participation but looks like that is something which will not be allowed to happen by all the senior members and donors of IV

    4. Let us hope that this DV bill goes somewhere - what kind of activities do you suggest we should do to prepare for it? With specific details, you may be able to persuade people.
    Ok my friend this is being asked so many times and it is painfull (Physcially) to type it again and again and so i will do it just once more and i would request all IV members donors to read about it here not ask the qeustion again and again but refer to this section which i have highlighted

    I have some plans and ideas. I am sure it would be duplicates of what you intelligent people people have already talked about and maybe implemented in full.

    Maybe, if you had started the thread with your ideas, it would have helped save the 2800 that people have taken away from you...

    Now for me to talk about my ideas (which you ask because you doubt my intentions) i would say i also doubt you guys intentions. I get abuses and specially i have MINUS 2000 points (That many people hated my idea), so for me to talk about it i need some questionable action from you guys who gave me reds because you beleive i am wrong and now want me to explain myself but you yourselves will not change you attitude or hostility

    Please, please, please share your ideas - having created the curiosity, now please do not deprive us of your ideas. Just keep them specific and actionable.

    07-23 01:48 PM
    I agree, I read all the posts and went through some figures myself, the indication is that dates for EB2 will move much faster that we had all anticipated in the past. I do somewhere agree with my friend vldrao that dates could retrogress for a small period of time (say 1 month), but eventually dates will become current soon.

    vdlrao is everyone's friend these days ...not only urs ... :-)

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