Saturday, August 6, 2011

quotes about tears and pain

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  • alterego
    12-14 05:26 PM
    An additional thing I want to point out is that the US cannot make itself diverse by restricting immigration to a diverse population mix. It is a well known fact that Hispanic american women bear many more children than Caucasian american women. How does america fix that, and if it does not then why talk about diversity in immigration?

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  • Googler
    02-14 03:30 PM
    Just wanted to chime in to say that filing a lawsuit will only aid any campaign for admin fixes. The NC changes were done administratively but anyone who tells me that the scathing rulings from the federal courts had nothing to do with current changes is living in denial -- the recent rulings essentially shredded the legal basis for the form of these NC checks and attendant delays.

    There is absolutely no reason not to pursue both options. It would be totally delicious to have USCIS testify in court and explain exactly how they f&$@-ed up badly enough to pervert congressional intent and waste approx 120K EB greencards in 2003-2004.

    Write your letters (what does it take 10 min of your day), you have nothing to lose and something to gain by that. I did. But don't forget suing is the American way of justice.

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  • ivgclive
    07-21 05:11 PM
    Signs and Warning...

    1. Mostly he seems to be a weird guy.
    * God has given us special white blood cells that can find these guys.
    * Listen to your inner soul when it says 'I don't feel comfortable'.

    2. He walks with empty hands (RICH people) while all others in the shop walk with a cart and/or some goods.

    3. Talks loudly, using words as if he is lending money to Warren Buffett or Bill Gates..

    4. His approach.
    * Are you Mr.<a name in south/north depends on your appearance>?
    * I can't believe I meet you here.
    * You look very familiar to me.
    * You look like my younger brother / son / daughter / friend / father / mother / cousin / tomato / carrot / spinach etc

    5. Look for these words...
    * Do you want to make LOT of money? (eventhough he looks like a crap, wandering in a grocery store not buying anything, driving a 1990 Toyotta Tercel).
    * I have a wonderful business opportunity for you.
    * What do you do in your free time?
    * I am running a eBusiness, eCommerce etc.
    * Do you want to make use of your free time in a productive way.
    * Count the number of times he uses the word 'Money', if it is more than 2 times, he is from that cult.

    6. Finally,
    * Can we meet sometimes this week?
    * Do you want to attend a Business Meetting (!) with top heads next week?
    * Do you want to just see what we are doing? (Why the hell I need to see?)
    * Do you want to join us for a Tea, Cofee... (Believe me, they won't call you for Lunch or Dinner, eventhough they always talk about the LOT OF MONEY they have made)

    I read lot of news from school and I learnt this 'multi-link' business 20 to 25 years back. So as soon as he asked me if I wish to make 'LOT OF MONEY' without working, I understood that the poisonous snakes had entered US long time back.

    I had only one encounter 10 years back that went up to the so called 'Business meeting with Tea Party' because I was new to US and these guys were using an updated terminology.

    From then on, I enjoy if I meet such people in Malls, grocery stores, Walmarts. I let him talk for about 20 - 30 mins when my wife is shopping. Asking him very basic questions as if I have not seen a $10 bill in my life. By the time he realizes that I am playing, my wife finishes shopping and we leave.

    This way you can keep yourself updated on the tricks. Amazingly these guys read technology news a lot than us and upgrade their techniques.

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  • tikka
    07-03 11:09 PM
    and counting... tin


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  • bestia
    02-14 01:03 PM
    Hi Bestia

    I see your PD is Aug 2004 for EB3 ROW, and U already filed I 485.
    I need some help: My PD is also Aug 2004, I'm in the EB3 ROW. When can I start filling I-485? The March VB says 01JAN2005. What is the last date I can file?
    Thanks 4 help.

    You can mail your I-485 on Feb 29. USCIS must receive it in March. I would suggest you to file your app ASAP in March, because you never know - dates might retrogress again.

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  • vinzen
    08-18 11:20 PM
    Oh... finally!
    Welcome to IV
    There is nothing special that you have written up there in your post. This is just normal stuff that most EB folks on this forum does. Why do you have to write such obvious things? You may agree or disagree with member's opinion but its sounds very naive to preach to this community about normal life.

    Its apparent from post that you think the members other than yourself live a lower than average life? :D I guess you are mistaken.. Keep reading posts and you will eventually get to know better..

    sorry, I love preaching.

    by the way I was referring to "the guy who thinks americans think he is a slumdog...." not you or everyone. But then again you think that I think that you lead a life lower than average. If you think you agreed with me, instead of calling it obvious being defensive and, just agree with me. OK? And get that chip off your shoulder as well.


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  • krishmunn
    06-12 12:20 PM
    I wonder what Dilip was doing when he was laid off. An H1 holder is out of status the moment he/she is laid off. So, our brightest Dilip was out of status (aka illegal) during the period he was laid off.
    As is said -- illegals have a better chance to get GC then those trying to be legal.
    With such friends of prospecting immigrants you sure do not need an anti-immigrant.

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  • JunRN
    09-23 12:29 PM
    I think the $700 billion bail-out will just go down the drain and will be lost due to market speculation...stocks will spike but then will go back to its lows or even lower....and then, check-mate!

    it's like a band-aid to a big wound.


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  • Girl crying tears of blood

  • okuzmin
    07-12 12:27 PM
    lordoftherings, I doubt there is a country in the world that would fit all. I also doubt such a thing as "ideal immigration policy" exists. It is always good to have a job offer before you immigrate, but it's ultimately up to the immigrant to find out what it'll take to get on his/her feet in the new country.

    After reading (and watching videos of) all those sob stories on and the like about doctors, nurses, engineers who can't get a job or have to study for years to get a Canadian license to practice, I wonder how much of a research those folks did prior to coming to Canada. If a medical occupation requires studying for additional time and taking exams, then you should have learned about it. If engineers of your specialty are not in high demand, you can figure it out by going through Canadian job postings and contacting employers. If you are not willing to look for a job elsewhere but Toronto, then it's your problem: perhaps in Calgary the opportunities are more readily available. I have a friend in Montreal who owns an IT recruitment company. He told me that they are sending IT folks from Ontario to Alberta, since Alberta unemployment rate for IT professionals is currently at 0.5%.

    Bottom line is: research for yourself, ask different people, be flexible about where you want to live in the new country (hey, it's the country's demands you need to adjust to, not the other way around!) -- this will save you from many unpleasant surprises.

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  • tammman
    09-23 09:18 PM
    I think its worth giving it a short, I support this.


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  • chmur
    02-12 11:05 PM
    Some of the events in the last week seem to indicate so ??

    1. Writeoff FBI namechecks pending for > 180 Days
    2. Moving EB3 dates in smaller increments . Eb3 India was moved by ~3 Months

    Step 1 was crucial because this will enable USCIS to approve all the applications within 'Current Dates'. Atleast now, USCIS will know pretty clearly where they stand when they move the dates (in conjunction with DOS) , unlike last June fiasco.

    Step 2 ; Moving the dates in reasonable increments indicates they do not want to loose control of approval process . Lot of 2003 /04 filers got GC's in last July at the cost 2001/2002 filers . It was obviously arbitrary once they made everything current and probably depended on how eager an officer was to grab those visa numbers for his /her cases. USCIS lost control over the process.

    Regarding EB2 heart burn - Blame it on substitute filers, obviously most of the line breakers would have used EB2 rather than EB3. But I think eventually EB2 will get higher priority and move faster then EB3 once the Unused numbers from others categories gets distributed after June /July. Calm your nerves.

    I only wish if they had streamlined the process in this fashion about 3-4 years back . We would have not lost 200,000 visas and most of the dates would have been current or at the most 2 years behind. Very reasonable.

    Am I dreaming....has USCIS got it's act together??

    I forget , IV was not around 3-4 years back.

    But we cannot be too enthusiastic about these good news because unless those 200,000 numbers are recaptured the dates will soon get struck in near future .

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  • another one
    09-23 06:32 PM
    The congress is fully occupied with the housing issue right now. Should we sent to all congress members instead of a selected few?


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  • gjoe
    02-14 03:27 PM
    How many of us who contributed to IV mentioned that in the AOS application form I485. I guess you are supposed to disclose your affiliation to IV, atleast when you are a contributing member. If this is true most of us will automatically disqualify for a GC because we failed to disclose information truthfully

    also as i said earlier- someone needs to stand up publicly and be a leader. and one leader is not enough. needs a team. that team must be willing to disclose identity etc publicly, if they are to collect money. in any case a lawsuit is very public and anonymity is not an option. these are the very basis of starting such a project. no one has yet responded to this affirmatively. a lot of yes votes do not mean anything. someone(s) needs to be willing to stick their necks out with time, money, effort and a very public profile.

    just my 2c.

    BTW I will contribute upto $1000 for this lawsuit initially. I think Law suit is the rightway to go. We should not be afraid to file a lawsuit. We have come halfway around this world to make our careers and life in the USA knowing well that the bodyshoppers will exploit us until we get our GC. We are in a situation were we never even dreamed before that a govt agency like USCIS will also keep our lifes in limbo like the bloodsucking bodyshoppers. Now it is our turn to step up and take the fight. We will not lose anything even if we fail, afterall our lives on this earth is nothing but a fight for our survival and what we believe in.


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  • brb2
    11-02 08:04 AM
    No doubt, Canada is a good second option, but the standard of living is much better in the US and will always be. The health system in Canada is crumbling and a private sector is growing in parallel. The wait period for surgery (knee replacements etc) is increasing and I don't think the manna will last too long.


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  • jaithran
    07-17 12:25 PM
    Too many guesses!!! I am a silent watcher here for last 1 or 2 yrs and all your calculations & guesses were proved wrong in the past. Some guys are too positive that they always guess & give some calcuations which seems like you are going to get your GC in 6 months..some are very negative that they always keep crying and always guess & give some calculation which seems like you will only get your GC in 2025. lol to be frank its really funny to see your guesses & calculations. BTW this is not to offend anyone her. Take it easy guys.:D

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  • srikondoji
    12-16 08:38 AM
    I hope this is not our last ditch effort or one of the last chips in our possession to further our goals of Greencard.

    The crisis in united states is not just housing bubble but much more than that. I am not sure if this initiative (linking greencard and purchasing home) will find much traction in government or in medai given the complexity of the mess.
    The currency collapse which we used to discuss is now gathering storm now. The recent runnup in Dollar is peaking now and is in downward trend. Analysts are already up in arms arguing that United states have to take massive debt (assuming China and arab world is ready to give) or they have to print currency to finance their bailouts.



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  • cloud 9
    06-12 06:12 PM

    With the level/kind of arguments that you are putting in your posts, I don't think you will be able to complete your MBA or will not survive working as a MBA. So, my suggestion is: save that 100,000 that you are planing to burn doing MBA. Use it for some other purpose.

    You are not able to compete with the unskilled people even though you have more than 10 years experience, how you are going to compete with MBA's that graduate from top schools from USA and India with your phony accent. Dont waste your 100,000, use it for your child's education or maybe donate part of it to IV and someone from IV might help you in getting a JOB.

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  • amoljak
    10-24 11:11 AM
    We have so much discussion on this topic in many threads but i dont know why people want to discuss samething again and again.

    We know LC substituion is good for few and worst for many...

    Admins can you please close the thread...

    One person stepped out of the line and another one took his place... How is that worse for you (or anybody else)? (let alone worst) You are still 957,643rd in the line :)

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  • Unfortunately, the quote above

  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 01:18 PM
    My friend willgetgc your last post was so nice and so articulate i cannot believe you would again fall from teh pedestal and comment on something so bad i am sure it repluses your spouses or your parents and i am not sure they would want you to talk like this about anyone

    Now my frined please never iask me what my specific ideas are because you do not beleiev in it and you have no respect for what i might say so why ask

    07-16 01:22 AM
    So gurus,
    The progress has been better than this analysis - so where does this leave us?
    Any more thoughts?

    08-15 09:54 PM
    I warn you not to start the Muslims vs rest debate here....I would say most (not all) people are fanatics will do any attrocity in the name of religion. Blame it on your fellow fanatics for this mess. Yes, you need to pay the price for 9/11. DHS and TSA are created to protect the innocent civilian and its their duty. If you dont like dont come to USA.

    What SRK - global icon you are talking about. He is not a leader of the nation...he is just an actor. He might be a god for you and he does not need to be the same for others. Think logically everyone is coming here with invitation only. For the IO at POE, he is just a visitor and if needed should be treated in the same way like any other visitor. When it happened to Mr.Kalam, yes we need to protest as he was a former Head of State. But that Noble person did not even speak about it. But this poor SRK saying his self-respect is hurt. What a loser.

    Also I expressed to take the "Global icon" tag out of the picture and focus on the system itself. Make sure you read and understand posts before rhetorical reactions.

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